Well, thought I'd share some pictures of what's gone on in the past week. The fairy "tattoo" pic is Tay's first tattoo. Obviously, considering she's 8, it's an airbrush tat. It's also on her fore-arm, since I know that's not obvious in the pic.
The top two pics are DH and Tay at the Daryl Worley concert we went to on Tuesday evening. Fantastic!!!!! The guy can carry a tune even in person!!!! Doesn't sound any different than he does on the radio, really, but you get to see how much fun he has, as well!!! I had to chuckle, though. Tay has been asking for 3 years now when SHE could go to a concert, and I kept putting it off, and putting it off, because I've had my qualms about spending 45$ on a child for a concert I wasn't sure she'd enjoy anyway. Now, she LOVES country music. She plays it all the time in her room, and you quite often hear her singing along and see her dancing to it, in private. I'm glad that her first concert was a 12$ ticket (and on top of that, my Dad treated us!), at the fair. She said she was kinda bored. And she looked it. And I'm certainly glad I didn't spend BIG money just for her to be bored. Oh, and Daryl Worley is 6'7" tall!!!! I mean, DAYAM!!!! Why couldn't I have a couple of those inches. I mean, I'm sure he wouldn't miss 2 or 3 inches. It sure wouldn't hurt me to stand 2 or 3 inches taller than I am, and him to stand 2 or 3 inches shorter. *sigh* Pity it doesn't work like that, huh?!?!
Anyway, the pic of the crochet-work is my WIP right now. Just found out that some friends of ours are having their fourth child. Well, her 4th, anyway, his second. All four are girls, beautiful, well behaved little girls. So, I'm making my typical gift of a baby-afghan, hat, thumbless-mitts, booties, and a cotton washcloth. I've got less than a month to whip this gift out. This is what I accomplished yesterday. And once I get this made, I've got to start on a gift for our Samhain exchange on Country Pagan Decor (yahoo group). I don't know what I'm making for that, yet. First year we did this exchange I made a Filet Crochet Owl wall-hanging. Last year's project was a spider-web doily. I'd like to do something with pumpkins this year (and not little orange balls with a little brown stem sticking out the top). I'm just not sure WHAT yet.
Anyway, gotta head to Dad's for Sunday dinner. Then it's on to hockey practice, as usual.
Have a Blessed Day!
Yeah, she does look bored! But the tatoo is cute.
Hi Sammy_Bunny!!! Welcome, and thanks for commenting!!! How did you find my blog (if you don't mind my asking). Do I know you from elsewhere, perhaps?
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