Thursday, May 03, 2007

Day 2....

After my second day in JD, I'm appreciating how hard it is for grand juries to make decisions. We had a couple of major potential cases to decide on today. There really wasn't any arguement on one of them whether it would go to trial, but it was long & the details were not pleasant. The other long one came out with a lesser-than-completely-clear decision as to whether it should go to trial or not, but final decision was 11 out of 17 (one was excused for this case) jurors determining that there was sufficient evidence to take this to court. The others were small cases, but we had 4 of those as well as the 2 big ones. Interesting, and sad, and bringing up many other interesting issues that it really isn't our place to decide, but still brought up some interesting conversations.

After getting out of JD at 5:10 (we had to finish that last long one or we'd be back in tomorrow as well, and none of us wanted that!), I headed up the street to the library and pulled in the parking lot there just after 5:20. By the time I got inside & talked to my boss it was 5:30 and she agreed that if I wanted to just take that 1/2 hour as leave time, there was no reason I shouldn't. Me staying and trying to get ANYTHING done in 1/2 an hour is almost pointless. Esp. when it's the last half hour of the day. So, it's now 6:23 and I'm home, waiting for DD & DH to get home (they went over to the inlaws after work & daycare) so we can order pizza.

In fact, there they come now! YEAH!!!!!!!! So, DD's going to be happy that we're having pizza for dinner tonight. She's been whining about wanting pizza for the last couple of weeks, but DH and I have been pretty burnt out on the stuff since our trip to Anchorage.

Another mostly beautiful day out. It's getting kinda cloudy & somewhat windy as the afternoon goes on. Supposed to be gusty tonight with some chance of showers. Here's hoping. Ok, I hope y'all have had a good afternoon.

And, HAVE A BLESSED DAY tomorrow!


whimsical brainpan said...

I hope JD tomorrow goes well and you have a good day despite the early start.

How can anyone get tired of pizza?

Kati said...

Thankfully, we don't have JD on Friday, if we manage to get everything done on Wed. & Thursday. And, thanks to going till 5:10 today, we finished all our cases for this week, today. We next must show up NEXT Wed. & Thursday, so that gives me my 2 weekend days and 3 (regular) work days before I go for JD again. As interesting as it is, I can't say as I mind. It's rather exausting being so attentive & thoughtful about the facts & issues in somebody else's life.

(And, as I've said in the past, my life is enough of a soap-opera with my baby sis & my SIL's issues that I really don't need any more drama. And here I'm on the Grand Jury and getting a lot of drama from other people's lives as well. LOL)

And, for the weather report... I'm looking out the window as I type this, and it's very windy & the sky is filled with dark gray billowy clouds, but no rain as yet. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Hey Kiddo...JD sounds interesting... I've always enjoyed "serving." I only ever got selected for regular JD though.

Love ya!
- Mom

Em said...

It doesn't sound like such a bad experience. I always thought it would be dreadful. But having to go to work AFTER a day of jury duty just seems cruel. Your boss should take some pity!

Connie Peterson said...

My jury duty for yesterday was cancelled so I am not sure when (if) I have to go .... but I have four months to worry (or not) about it.

Glad you only had to go one day this week. Hope the rest of them are 'easy' ....

MarmiteToasty said...

I would be no good on a jury..... I would take one look at someone as they walked in court and decide there and then if they was guilty or not lol.......

:) - and that is what I wrote on me jury notice papers LOL....... and do you know what....... they said, that under the circumstances that maybe its best I didnt attend LOL

Well at least I was honest :)


Kati said...

Em, actually, because I work for the borough & they pay me even for serving JD, I either must use leave-time if I don't go to work, or work whatever would remain of my work-day after JD. Because otherwise my employer would be basically paying me for not doing anything. But, as I'm in JD for about 4 hours before I'd even start my normal work day, then serve JD 4+ hours of my normal work schedual, I wonder if I'll be getting some of the usual jury-pay along with my usual work-pay. I mean, part of the time I'm serving JD, I'd be at home sleeping or on my own time. Only part of my JD time would be on my boss's clock. So, technically I should be getting paid for what is not normally covered by my boss anyway. Not sure how that'll work. On Thursday, because I didn't get over to my place of normal employement till about 5:30, I ended up taking 1/2 hour of leave-time instead of working that half-hour. That was fine. I've got plenty of leave-time available to me. (Close to 150 hours, actually.)

Connie, I DID have to serve JD on Wed. and Thursday, but not on Friday. Instead I spent all Friday crocheting & watching movies.

Toasty, the thing about Grand Jury is that I'm not judging whether the defendant (the person being accused of something) is guilty. With Grand Jury I am 1 of 18 people deciding if there's enough evidence against this person to take the case to court. When the case actually goes to court is when THAT Jury decides if the person is guilty. It's not my job on this jury I'm on to decide if a person is guilty at all. Thank goodness! Some of the cases I heard this week would be very hard to decide on, if I was in that position.

Turtleheart said...

So you DID get chosen! (I'm behind in my reading, heh.) I've been on a regular jury, but Grand Jury sounds much more interesting.